What is Clean Beauty

Leaping Bunny Certification

SOMA+SOUL leaping bunny certified

A bunny leaping through the air, sweetly cushioned by stars. No, we’re not talking about how we fall asleep at night – we’re describing the Leaping Bunny logo, a certification issued to brands and companies that produce products which are free from animal testing and comply with a strict level of criteria. This includes the company’s supply chain, all the way down to ingredient manufacturers. To get and keep certification, companies have to make themselves accessible by auditors.

You might be asking yourself – are we really still testing our products on animals? Sadly, yes. While animal testing on cosmetics in banned in the European Union, Norway, India, Israel, Canada, and several American states, China  requires many beauty products, including imported cosmetics, to be tested on animals. Only products sold via cross-border e-commerce are exempt.[1]


Being Leaping Bunny Certified is a badge of honor. It’s a commitment to keeping the world a safer and healthier place, and to protecting animals – of all species and kinds. About 2,000 companies around the world have this certification, including Soma + Soul. We deeply care about the world around us  and animal testing isn’t part of that equation. What is part of the equation is organic, clean, and pure ingredients. We believe these are the types of words that should be associated with products like ours – rejuvenating skin care that only uses the purest and simplest ingredients, fresh from Greece.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Leaping Bunny logo and certification process, head over to their website for more. From shopping guides to ingredients and processes, they cover everything. Hoppy reading (we had to, sry).

[1] Source